22320-E1-T41D FAG Vibratory Spec Spherical Roller Bearing

22320-E1-T41D FAG Vibratory Spec Spherical Roller Bearing

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£506.00 608.77 $628.30 ex VAT


22320 E1T41D - Cylindrical Bore
Bearings for vibratory applications :
FAG offers specific spherical roller bearing designs for vibratory applications. They are designated by the E1T41D modification code and made to a C4 clearance.
This design provides:
• A lubrication groove on the outer ring with three lubrication holes to facilitate bearing lubrication.
• Reduced bore and outside diameter tolerances.
• Radial internal clearance is made in upper two-thirds of C4 clearance range


Dimension Bore: 100

Dimension OD: 215

Dimension Width: 73

Weight: 13100g